

It is recommended that one follows each step sequentially from the outset to ensure that no installation errors arise.

Start Order

In order for the resource to start correctly and not receive any errors, we must start the resources in the following order

ensure core
ensure ichud

Setup Config

In order for the script to function properly, you must change the Config.Framework setting to your framework in this case it will be "qb-core". Feel free to make any other necessary changes as well.

Config = {}
Config.Framework = "esx" -- newqb, oldqb, esx, newesx
Config.StatusHud = true  -- If you set it to true, the hud will be activated
Config.CarHud = true     -- If you set it to true, the Car Hud will be activated
Config.Notify = true     -- If you set it to true, notifications will be activated
Config.CarPlayer = true  -- If you set it to true, the Car Player will be activated
Config.MusicPlayer = true  -- If you set it to true, the Music of the Tablet will be show
Config.EngineHud = true  -- If you set it to true, the Engine Hud will be activated
Config.RefreshSpeedoMeterTime = 80 -- Time in ms to refresh the speedometer (50 = 0.05 seconds, 100 = 0.10 seconds) if you want to speedometer to refresh faster decress this value.
Config.SetZoomMinimap = 1 -- Set the minimap zoom (0 = normal, 1 = zoomed in)
Config.DisableMinimapModifications = false -- If you set it to true all changes maded to the map will desappear, this will help if there's another script changing minimap stuff.
Config.HideFullStatus = true -- If you set it to true, all the status hud that are at 100% will be hided,if you set to false the status hud will be showed always
-- Config for the Car Radio System Sound
Config.RefreshTimeSound = 0 -- How much ofter the player position is updated ?
Config.distanceBeforeUpdatingPos = 40 -- how much close player has to be to the sound before starting updating position ?
    OPTIONS: LegacyFuel, oxFuel, cdn-fuel, standalone
    OTHER: set the name of the export function, for example: myFuel
Config.FuelSystem = "standalone" -- Set the name of the export functions used by the fuel
Config.SeatBeltOn = "You have fastened your seat belt"
Config.SeatBeltOff = "You have unbuckled your seatbelt"
Config.notVehicleSeatBelt = "This vehicle does not have a seat belt"
Config.commandSeatBelt = "belt"
Config.cruiseOnText = "You turned on speed limiter"
Config.cruiseOffText = "You turned off speed limiter"
Config.cruiseControlOnText = "You turned on cruise control"
Config.cruiseControlOffText = "You turned off cruise control"
Config.cruiseControlnotinVehicleText = "You are not in any vehicle or you are not the driver"
Config.StreamerModeONMSG = "You have activated streamer mode for music."
Config.StreamerModeOFFMSG = "You have deactivated the streamer mode for music."
Config.SpeedUnit = true -- True is km/h -- False is mp/h
Config.notvehicleCarPlay = "This vehicle does not have carplay"
Config.SetNewWaypoint = "You have set a new waypoint"
Config.AnyVehicle = "You are not in any vehicle"
Config.MoneyNotify = "You have ${x} in your wallet"
Config.BankNotify = "You have ${x} in your bank"
Config.SeatBeltEjectSpeed = 20
Config.SeatBeltEjectAccel = 100.0
Config.TimeOutRequestMax = 10 -- Max seconds if user don't answer the request
Config.SetDistanceAudio = 7.5 -- Distance to hear the audio
------------ KEYS -------------
Config.SeatBeltKey = "X"
Config.IndicatorBothKey = "BACK"
Config.IndicatorRightKey = "RIGHT"
Config.IndicatorLeftKey = "LEFT"
Config.CruiseKey = "M"
Config.CruiseControlKey = "L"
Config.EngineButton = "J"
Config.CarPlayerKey = "Y"

Setup Translations

To make changes to certain translations, you can edit the translations.js file. This file contains all the necessary settings to modify the translations.

File Location: ice_hud\src\ui\js\config\translation.js

You must edit the text on the right, the text on the left should not change.

Config = {};
Config.Locales = {
    "Engine": "Engine",
    "Stop": "Stop",
    "Start": "Start",
    "url_youtube": "URL YouTube",
    "locating": "Localizing...",
    "fuel_text": "Fuel",
    "vehhealth_text": "Health",
    "speed_text": "Speed",
    "maxgear_text": "Gears",
    "location_text": "My location",
    "waypoint_text": "Waypoint",