

It is recommended that one follows each step sequentially from the outset to ensure that no installation errors arise.

Start Order

In order for the resource to start correctly and not receive any errors, we must start the resources in the following order

ensure icmysql
ensure core

Setup Config

Config = {};
Config.Language = "es"; // en, es, fr
// DataMemSave
Config.SaveDirPath = "IcMysql/Data/"; // Path respective to the FXServer.exe file
Config.SaveInterval = 20000; // The interval in milliseconds that the resource will save the data in the JSON file don't put a value less than 5000
// Errors
Config.Debug = true; // Show debug messages in the console
Config.ShowErrorDescription = true; // Show the error description if is registered in the list
Config.ShowErrorSolution = true; // Show the error solution if is registered in the list
Config.LogFilesPath = "IcMysql/Logs/IcMysql"; // Path respective to the FXServer.exe file
Config.MaxLogFiles = 10; // The count of log files that will be saved, the oldest will be deleted
// Discord Logs
Config.DiscordLogs = false; // Enable the discord logs
Config.DiscordWebhook = "" // The discord webhook that will be used to send relevant data, if you don't want to send the error reports change the previous value to false
Config.SendUnknownErrors = true; // Send the unknown errors to the discord webhook
Config.SendCommonErrors = true; // Send the common errors to the discord webhook that include a posible solution
Config.SendSaveData = true; // Send the file name that is being saved
Config.SendBackupInfo = true; // Send the backup event when a backup is executed
Config.SendDatabaseMapped = true; // Send the database mapped event when a database is mapped
Config.BackupEnabled = true; // Enable the backup system
Config.MysqlDumpPath = "C:/xampp/mysql/bin/mysqldump.exe"; // The path of the mysqldump.exe file, in this case is the path of the xampp mysql dump 
// XAMPP: C:/xampp/mysql/bin/mysqldump.exe
// WAMP: C:/wamp/bin/mysql/mysql5.7.26/bin/mysqldump.exe
// MariaDB: C:/Program Files/MariaDB 11.2/bin/mysqldump.exe
Config.BackupDirPath = "IcMysql/Backups"; // Path respective to the FXServer.exe file
Config.MaxBackups = 4; // The max count of backups that will be saved, the oldest will be deleted
Config.Days = [5, 14, 23, 29]; // The days that the backup will be executed, if the array is empty the backup will be executed every day
Config.Hour = "18:36" // The hour in 24h format that the backup will be executed, in this example the backup will be executed at 4:30 AM
Config.MaxDB = 10; // The max count of databases that can be readed in the server.cfg file
Config.MaxConnectionLimit = 15; // The max count of connections that can be created per database(recomend to not alter this value too much)
Config.QueueLimit = 100; // The max count of queries that can be queued per database(recomend to not alter this value too much)
Config.DefaultDB = 1; // The default database that will be used if the database is not specified in the query
Config.SlowQueryWarn = 500; // The time in milliseconds that the query will be considered slow and will be logged in the console
Config.CacheMaxSize = 50; // The time of the cache in megabytes that will be used to store the queries, if the cache is full the oldest query will be deleted, please don't increase a lot this value because the cache is stored in the RAM
// MongoDB
Config.MongoDB = false; // Enable the MongoDB support
Config.DefaultMongoDB = 1;
Config.ConnectiTimout = 5000; // The time in milliseconds that the MongoDB will wait for a connection to be available in the pool, if the time is exceeded a error will be thrown
// Debug UI
Config.Enabled = true; // Enable the debug UI
Config.DebugLicenses = ["license:123eb974ddb060eb123e8e4feee66a9efb2eeebe"] // The licenses of the players that will be able to use the debug UI.
// ORM
Config.ORM = true; // Enable the ORM queries
Config.DefaultORMDB = 1; // The default database that will be used if the database is not specified in the orm query
Config.RawData = true; // If the ORM will return the raw data or the model instance that contains sequelize data
Config.ConnectionsORM = [0, 10] // Minimum and maximum count of connections that will be created for the ORM, this is used to create a pool of connections that will be used by the ORM, this is used to avoid the creation of a connection for each query
Config.ORMConnectionTimout = 15000 // The time in milliseconds that the ORM will wait for a connection to be available in the pool, if the time is exceeded a error will be thrown
Config.LogORMConnections = false; // Show in the console when a connection is created or released by the ORM
// Redis
Config.Redis = false; // Enable the Redis support
// Update
Config.CheckForUpdates = true; // Check for updates when the server starts
Config.AutoUpdate = true; // If there is a new version, the resource will be updated automatically in the next server restart
// After update you need to restart the server to apply the changes

Setup CFG

set mysqlCredentials_1 "host=;user=root; password=1234; database=fxserver; port=3306"
set mysqlCredentials_2 "host=;user=root; password=1234; database=fxserver2; port=3306"