Upcoming Features

Upcoming Features

In future updates, our script will receive significant improvements and the introduction of new features designed to enrich the in-game experience and offer server administrators more customisation options. The following are the upcoming additions:

Standalone Job System

Description: We are developing a completely standalone job system that will allow players to embark on various in-game careers without the need for additional job management scripts. This system will be easy to configure and customise, offering a wide range of options to suit different types of servers.

Key Features:

  • Simple configuration via configuration files.
  • Integration with existing cost-effective systems.
  • Job customisation, including roles, salaries and specific missions.
  • Intuitive interface for players to explore and join available jobs.

Target Launch Date: Q3 2024

Custom Image Tattoo Generation System

Description: To offer greater character customisation, we will be implementing a system that will allow players to generate tattoos from their own images. This innovative system will transform images into applicable in-game tattoos, allowing for unique character customisation.

Key Features:

  • In-game image to tattoo conversion tool.
  • Support for different image formats.
  • Tattoo adjustment options, including scaling, rotation and positioning on the character model.
  • Integration with existing tattoo system for easy management.

Target Launch Date: Q4 2024