
Backup System


System that allows you to backup your database in a simple way, it will create a folder in the specified path in the config.js with the value of Config.BackupDirPath, then it will create a file with the current date, time and database name, the file will contain the database backup in sql format.


To use this system you have to enable this options Config.BackupEnabled in the config.js, specify the mysqldump.exe path in Config.MysqlDumpPath and the backup directory path in Config.BackupDirPath respective to the FXServer.exe file. Then you have to set the days in an array format, for example: if you want to set to make the backup the 2, 5, 10 days of each month you have to set: Config.Days = [2, 5, 10];. To set the hour you have to make sure to type in 24h format, for example: if you want to set the backup to 2:00 AM you have to set Config.Hour = "02:00";.


This is the list of the involved files in this feature to help any developer to understand how it works:

  • src/db/backup/index.js