
Cache System


The cache system if a efficient mode to make only necessary queries to databases, that save the new data in a cache and if the data is already in the cache it will not make a new query to the database. This feature is very useful to make a lot of queries to the database without having to worry about the performance of the server. Using this feature you will save more than the 50% of the time that you use to make queries to the database. If you have made any change to the database for example making a Update query the cache data will be removed and the next time that you make a query to the database it will be saved in the cache again.



To use this feature you don't have to do anything, by default is applied in the default query functions, if there's a reason to disable it you can do it by passing a false value after the function param. Example to disable cache:

MySQL.Select(1, "SELECT name FROM players WHERE id = ?". {3}, function(result)
    print(result) -- Output: Daniel
end, false)


This is the list of the involved files in this feature to help any developer to understand how it works:

  • src/db/Query.lua