Insert One



Inserts a single document into a collection.

Returns: A document containing:

  • A boolean acknowledged as true if the operation ran with write concern or false if write concern was disabled.
  • A field insertedId with the _id value of the inserted document.


You can use InsertOne() for deployments hosted in the following environments:

  • MongoDB Atlas: The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud

  • MongoDB Enterprise: The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB

  • MongoDB Community: The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB


The InsertOne() method has the following form:

      collection = "<collection>",
      document = <document>,
      options = <options>

The InsertOne() method takes the following parameters:

  • <collection>: The name of the collection to insert the document into.
  • <document>: A document to insert into the collection.
  • <options>: Optional. A document expressing the write concern. Omit to use the default write concern.


Collection Creation

If the collection does not exist, then the InsertOne() method creates the collection.

_id Field

If the document does not specify an _id field, then mongod will add the _id field and assign a unique ObjectId() for the document before inserting. Most drivers create an ObjectId and insert the _id field, but the mongod will create and populate the _id if the driver or application does not.

If the document contains an _id field, the _id value must be unique within the collection to avoid duplicate key error.


Insert a Document without Specifying an _id Field

In the following example, the document passed to the InsertOne() method does not contain the _id field:

exports["icmysql"]:MongoInsertOne( { collection = "myTable", document = {item = "card", qty = 15 }} );

The operation returns the following document:

   "acknowledged" : true,
   "insertedId" : ObjectId("56fc40f9d735c28df206d078")

Because the documents did not include _id, mongod creates and adds the _id field and assigns it a unique ObjectId() value. The ObjectId values are specific to the machine and time when the operation is run. As such, your values may differ from those in the example.

Insert a Document Specifying an _id Field

In the following example, the document passed to the InsertOne() method includes the _id field. The value of _id must be unique within the collection to avoid duplicate key error.

exports["icmysql"]:MongoInsertOne( { collection = "myTable", document = { _id = 1, item = "card", qty = 15 }} );

The operation returns the following:

{ "acknowledged" : true, "insertedId" : 10 }

Inserting an duplicate value for any key that is part of a unique index, such as _id, throws an exception. The following attempts to insert a document with a _id value that already exists:

exports["icmysql"]:MongoInsertOne( { collection = "myTable", document = { _id = 1, item = "card", qty = 15 }} );

Since _id: 10 already exists, the following exception is thrown:

   "index" : 0,
   "code" : 11000,
   "errmsg" : "E11000 duplicate key error collection: inventory.products index: _id_ dup key: { : 10.0 }",
   "op" : {
      "_id" : 10,
      "item" : "packing peanuts",
      "qty" : 200
Increase Write Concern

Given a three member replica set, the following operation specifies a w of majority, wtimeout of 100:

exports["icmysql"]:MongoInsertOne( { collection = "myTable", document = { "item": "envelopes", "qty": 100, type: "Self-Sealing" }, options = { w = "majority", wtimeout = 100 } } );

If the acknowledgement takes longer than the wtimeout limit, the following exception is thrown:

   "code" : 64,
   "errmsg" : "waiting for replication timed out",
   "errInfo" : {
     "wtimeout" : true,
     "writeConcern" : {    // Added in MongoDB 4.4
       "w" : "majority",
       "wtimeout" : 100,
       "provenance" : "getLastErrorDefaults"